понеділок, 31 серпня 2015 р.

The night before school...

The night before school is exciting and fun.
There are always so many things to be done.

Your clothes are ready, your backpack is, too.
Your classroom is full of fun things you will do.

There are so many questions that go through your mind.
Who will you meet? What friends will you find?

Sometimes, we all get the jitters down deep.
Which makes it a little hard to fall fast asleep.

I’ve made you some magic confetti, it is really cool!
It will help you be rested and ready for school.

Just place the confetti right next to your bed.
On the night before school starts where you lay down your head.

The confetti will help you sleep through the night.
You will wake up in the morning, all fresh and bright!

I’ll sprinkle the confetti under my pillow, too
Because I’m super excited for this new school year for you!

понеділок, 24 серпня 2015 р.

Prepositions of time

Dairy Products, Juices, Coffee and Tea

Dairy Products (молочные продукты)
milk - молоко
low-fat milk - молоко с пониженным содержанием жира
skim milk - обезжиренное молоко
chocolate milk - шоколадное молоко
orange juice - апельсиновый сок
cheese - сыр
butter - сливочное масло
margarine - маргарин
sour cream - сметана
cream cheese - сливочный сыр
cottage cheese - творог
yogurt - йогурт
tofu - сыр тофу
- яйца
Juices (соки)
apple juice - яблочный сок
pineapple juice - ананасовый сок
grapefruit juice - грйпфрутовый сок
tomato juice - томатный сок
grape juice - виноградный сок
fruit punch - крюшон (фруктовый пунш)
juice packs - упаковка сока
powdered drink mix
- порошковые напитки
Coffee and Tea (кофе и чай)
coffee - кофе
decaffeinated coffee - кофе без кофеина
instant coffee - растворимый кофе
tea - чай
herbal tea - травяной чай
cocoa/ hot chocolate mix
- какао / горячий шоколад